1.5.7 Hand Auto
During normal operation the frequency converter is in Auto mode, where the reference signal is
given externally, analog or digital via the control terminals. However, in Hand mode, it is possible
to give the reference signal locally via the control panel.
On the control terminals, the following control signals will remain active when Hand mode is ac-
Hand Start (LCP2)
Quick Stop Inverse
Off Stop (LCP2)
Stop Inverse
Precise Stop Inverse
Auto Start (LCP2)
Precise Stop/Start
DC Braking Inverse
Coasting Stop Inverse
Setup Select LSB
Stop Comm. Via Serial Comm.
Reset and Coasting Stop Inverse Setup Select MSB
Switching between Auto- and Hand mode:
By activating the [Change Data] key in [Display Mode], the display will indicate the mode of the
frequency converter.
Scroll up/down in order to switch to Hand mode, the reference can be changed by using [+]/[-].
Please note, that parameter 020 may block the choice of mode.
A change of parameter values is saved automatically after a mains failure.
If the display shows three dots at the right, the parameter value has more than three digits. In
order to see the value, activate [CHANGE DATA].
Set the motor nameplate parameters
Motor power [kW]
Parameter 102
Motor voltage [V]
Parameter 103
Motor frequency [Hz]
Parameter 104
Motor current [A]
Parameter 105
Rated motor speed
Parameter 106
Activate AMT
Automatice motor tuning Parameter 107
In parameter 107
Automatic motor tuning
select data value [2]. “107” will now flash, and
“2” will not flash.
AMT is activated by pressing start. “107” will now flash and dashes will move from left
to right in the data value field.
When “107” appears once more with the data value [0], AMT is complete. Press [STOP/
RESET] to save the motor data.
“107” will then continue to flash with the data value [0]. You can now proceed.
VLT 2800 Quick Guide
1 Quick Guide
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