Water heater too small in relation to requirement
Check the requirement and the water heater capacity.
Replace with a larger heater or supplement with an extra heater if necessary.
For example, supplement with an MBH TWS with a connector or an electric heater
The operating pressure switch opens too soon, hot water production is stopped
Check at what supply temperature the operating pressure switch opens (use refrigerant gauge for opening temp of different refrige-
rants to get an indication of the opening pressure. To assure accurate opening pressure, use manometer apparatus which is most
If the operating pressure switch opens too early, replace it. There is a replacement pressure switch that screws directly onto the
schrader socket (service outlet) to avoid having to open the refrigerant circuit.
Insufficient exchange surface to transfer the heat pump’s output to the heater
Check that the heater is adapted to cope with the heat pump’s output. (7L/kW)
If not, replace the heater (with a larger exchange surface) or supplement with another to pick up the output.
Heat loss in the hot water pipe
The temperature differential measured between the heat pump and drain point should not be more than max 1-2 degrees.
Examples of heat loss causes that can be remedied:
Uninsulated hot water pipes - insulate the pipes
Too low temperature set on mixing valve – increase setting
Leaking mixing valve – replace mixing valve
Fault in the tap – replace or remedy the fault
Leakages in the thermostat mixer – replace or remedy the fault
Troubleshooting Guide
Temperature or the quantity of hot water