parallel, enter average installed PV power for each PV
input, as shown in the examples.
PV String Configuration
Enter this value for
“Installed PV power”
Example 1: PV1, PV2 and PV3 are each set
to individual mode.
Nominal PV power installed:
PV 1: 6000 W
PV 1: 6000 W
PV 2: 6000 W
PV 2: 6000 W
PV 3: 3000 W
PV 3: 3000 W
Example 2: PV1 and PV2 are set to
parallel mode and have a total of 10 kW
PV power installed. PV3 is set to
individual mode and has nominal 4 kW
PV power.
PV 1: 5000 W
PV 2: 5000 W
PV 3: 4000 W
Example 3: PV1 and PV2 are set to
parallel mode and have a total of 11 kW
PV power installed. PV3 is set to [Off] and
has no PV installed.
PV 1: 5500 W
PV 2: 5500 W
PV 3: 0 W
Table 3.2 Examples of Installed PV Power
The display will now show ‘Select country’. The setting is
‘undefined’ at initial start-up. Press [
] to scroll down
through the list of settings. To select the desired setting,
press [OK].
Illustration 3.7 Select Country
Illustration 3.8 Select Grid Code
The display will now show ‘Select grid code’. The grid code
is set to ‘undefined’ at initial start-up. To select the grid
code, press [OK]. Press [
] to scroll down through the list.
Select the grid code for the installation by pressing [OK]. It
is very important to choose the correct grid code.
Illustration 3.9 Confirm Grid Code Selection
To confirm, select the grid code again and press [OK]. The
settings for the chosen grid code have now been
Correct selection of grid code is essential to comply with
local and national standards.
Initial Setup and Start
L00410568-02_02 / Rev. date: 2013-12-10