User manual for DM700 ECDIS hardware
Copyright Danelec Marine A/S
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10232 Caution,
There is a communication problem
with the primary USB hardware
key. The licensed charts will
stop working if the error
Will only occur in a cluster
configuration. The primary USB
hardware key is not present in the
cluster and has not been for 14 days.
If the primary hardware key is
defective, contact support and order
a replacement.
10233 Caution,
The licensed charts have stopped
working due to a communication
problem with the primary USB
hardware key
Will only occur in a cluster
configuration. The primary USB
hardware key is not present in the
cluster and has not been for 90 days.
The charts are no longer valid any
If the primary hardware key is
defective, contact support and order
a replacement.
10234 Caution,
The cluster contains multiple
primary USB hardware keys
Will only occur in a cluster
Use the USB hardware key
management tool to inspect the
cluster and remove the unwanted
primary hardware key.
10250 Caution,
Incorrect monitor type connected.
The color in the chart
representation will be incorrect
The monitor connected is not the
configured model/type.
Connect the correct monitor.
10301 Caution,
No connection to ECDIS system 1
The network connection has been
lost to ECDIS node 1 (ECDIS 1).
Possibly a disconnected or defective
network cable. Verify all networks
cables are connected correctly, and
check that link is present for both
Ethernet ports 1 and 2.
10302 Caution,
No connection to ECDIS system 2
The network connection has been
lost to ECDIS node 2 (ECDIS 2).
Possibly a disconnected or defective
network cable. Verify all networks
cables are connected correctly, and
check that link is present for both
Ethernet ports 1 and 2.
10303 Caution,
No connection to ECDIS system 3
The network connection has been
lost to ECDIS node 3 (ECDIS 3).
Possibly a disconnected or defective
network cable. Verify all networks
cables are connected correctly, and
check that link is present for both
Ethernet ports 1 and 2.
10304 Caution,
No connection to ECDIS system 4
The network connection has been
lost to ECDIS node 4 (ECDIS 4).