The ClubMix channels are either mono or stereo. The front panel controls only differ in a few functions. We
shall describe the mono and stereo channels separately. '.
2.1 Mic/line input channel
The channel can operate in either the microphone or line input mode.
The microphone input is an electronically balanced transformerless design.
The input impedance is greater than 2 kOhms which will not cause any loading effects (signal loss) on today's
studio microphones. The line level input has an input impedance greater than 10k Ohms which is high enough
to interface with all available peripheral equipment, keyboards and CD players.
2.2 Mic/line switch
The line input is selected when the LINE button is depressed. The channel input is now connected to the
balanced line input jack. In the up-position of this switch the balanced microphone amplifier is connected to the
XLR input on the back of this module.
2.3 Mic/line gain
The microphone input can be varied between -12 dBu and -65 dBu of gain with a good overload margin. The
line input gain (the same control but with selected line input) can be varied between -40dBu and +0dBu. Both
the mic and line amplifiers have their own input connectors. The mic input is a balanced XLR connector. The
line input amp is balanced on a stereo jack.
2.4 Equalizer
The equalizer of the ClubMix is a very musical and versatile section with three controls to span the entire
audio spectrum.
2.5 High
16dB of boost or cut is available at 10kHz with a shelving curve, which means that when the desired amount
of boost or cut is achieved all frequencies from l0K and above are boosted or cut equally.
2.6 Mid
This control has a range of + and - 16dB with a "bell" curve. Having reached its maximum/minimum at its
center frequency (1kHz) the amplitude response returns to zero on either side of that frequency.
A plot from that response shows a bell shape. The bandwidth of that bell curve is fixed.
2.7 Low
The low control has a shelving characteristic, like the high control 16dB of boost or cut from 60Hz down.
Clubmix manual page 3