After you have wired up the ClubMix properly as described in earlier pages, it is time to switch on the unit. All
the control settings are as described under the heading "control settings". The ledbar will light up partly and
fall down slowly leaving the ON led on.
Now your ClubMix is ready to operate .
Push down the CUE button and adjust the gain control until the ledbars are reaching the zero dB position. Do
this for every channel where a signal is connected . Now that all basic adjustments are made you can mix all
the signals together.
Set the master faders fully open (10 position). Now bring up the channel faders with the right amount of level
needed for the perfect mix. You can now adjust the equalization until the right coloration of the sound has
been made. Please note that levels can increase i f you boost the equalizers because of this, it may be
necessary to go back and push CUE on each input and check the input gain as described before.
Optimum level in the channel is around 0db, this means a headroom of more than 22dB and a signal to noise
ratio of more than 78 dBr can be achieved . If levels are too high in the channels, you are giving up headroom
and improving signal to noise ratio .
This is a trade off . On the other hand, too low of a level in the channel will increase the headroom and
decrease the signal to noise ratio. When all your levels are set correctly you will maintain the excellent signal
to noise ratio the ClubMix offers.
This is the single most important thing in producing a clean, clear, and professional sound.
The master aux send controls has to be turned fully clockwise and the aux return turned clockwise to a
desired level. Now turn the aux send controls on the individual channels until you hear the effect level you
require. You must watch the input and output level of the connected ancillary equipment as well.
These controls let you set the position of the signal in the stereo image.
The pan pot has an attenuation of -4.5 dB in the middle to achieve a good panning range between left and
right. To make a proper level set-up you set the pan pot fully left or right, only then you can check the 0dB
positions on the channel and master faders.
On the stereo channel ) the center position on the balance control is the calibration position.
In order to achieve optimum results we choose a peak-reading LEDBAR design. This means the meter is
calibrated 6dB down from the measured output . The 6db down calibration is an international standard and is a
good compromise between peak and average levels.
If any other setting is required we have designed the calibration trimmers close to the front panel so you can
adjust them yourself.
Clubmix manual page 16