Wheel Differential Lock
Wheel Differential Lock
Install and Adjust Wheel Differential Lock
With differential carrier completely assembled and
adjusted, install differential lock as follows:
1. If shift fork and sliding clutch are disassembled,
engage fork with the clutch hub and install spring pin
in the fork leg. See illustration below for fork mounting
position on clutch.
2. Position compression spring, shift fork and clutch in
shift opening of the carrier. Align pilot hole of shift
fork with the pilot hole of carrier.
3. Install pushrod through shift fork, compression
spring and carrier pilot hole.
4. Lubricate piston and o-ring with silicone grease.
Install shift piston assembly into cylinder. Position
piston with small diameter hub toward closed end of
5. Install piston cover o-ring.
6. Install piston cover and torque to 50–75 lbs. ft.
(68–102 N•m).
7. Install selector switch and torque to 10–12 lbs. ft.
(14–16 N•m).
8. Check selector switch operation. Check switch
electrically with an ohmmeter. Switch should be
closed when clutches are engaged and open when