Piranha4 4K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
EMC Declaration
The CE Mark Evalu ation of the Teled yne DALSA P4-CC-04K07T-00-R Cam eras, w hich are
m anu factu red by Teled yne DALSA Inc., m eets the follow ing requ irem ents:
Test Description
EN 55011, FCC Part 15, CISPR 11, and ICES-003
Rad iated em issions requ irem ents.
EN 61326-1 and EN 55024
Im m u nity to d istu rbances.
Changes or m od ifications not exp ressly ap p roved by Teled yne DALSA cou ld void the u ser's au thority to
op erate the equ ip m ent.
N ame and Signature of authorized person