Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
flatfield CalibrationTarget
After calibration all p ixels w ill be scaled to ou tp u t this level
Range: 8 bit, 0 to 255 DN
flatfield CalibrationSam p leSize
N u m ber of lines to average w hen calibrating
2048 or 4096
flatfield Calibration ROIOffsetX
Together with “flatfield Calibration ROIWid th” specifies the
range of p ixels to be calibrated . Pixel coefficients ou tsid e this
range are not ch anged . It is p ossible to calibrate d ifferent
regions sequ entially.
flatfield Calibration ROIWid th
flatfield CalibrationFPN
Save average line (of “flatfield CalibrationSam pleSize” rows).
This is the first u ser correction ap p lied – it is su btracted from
each line.
This featu re m ay not be of u se to m any u sers as the cam era
alread y subtracts true “d ark current”, but it m ay be u seful for
som e to p rovid e a p er p ixel offset correction.
Range 0 to 31 DN , 8 bit
Defau lt valu e is 0 DN for each p ixel
flatfield CalibrationPRN U
Use “flatfield CorrectionAlgorithm ” to calculate the per pixel
gain to ach ieve the sp ecified target ou tp u t.
Max 15.9998x
Defau lt 1x
2. Contrast Enhancement
The offset and gain featu res can be u sed to m axim ize the u se of the ou tp u t d ynam ic range. Typ ical u se is
to su btract the m inim u m p ixel valu e exp ected and then gain u p to the m axim u m p ixel valu e to ap p roach
fu ll scale. This p rocess m ay be u sefu l for ap p lications that p rocess the RGB colors ind ivid u al ly.
Single valu e ad d ed to each p ixel
Range -32 to +31 DN
Positive valu es m ay be u sed to m easu re d ark noise
Floating p oint d igital m u ltip lier ap p lied to each p ixel
Range 1x to 10x
N ote: An ap p lication note d escribing a color transform ation m atrix calibration (d ocu m ent #03-032-
20181) is available. Please contact Teled yne DALSA Su p p ort for m ore inform ation.