DDF4220HDV Picodome
This setting provides for the automatic switching between colour and black-and-white
mode as lighting conditions change.
The switching depends on the ambient light level, i.e. at low light levels the camera
automatically switches to black-and-white mode and removes the colour burst.
Without colour information, or rather in black-and-white mode, the image quality in low
light conditions is much clearer (e.g. less colour noise).
Depending on the ambient light (when a certain brightness level is reached again), the
camera automatically switches back to colour mode.
The video is always displayed in colour, even at low light levels.
The video is always displayed in black-and-white.
By using the flip function, the image in the camera can be mirrored (flipped) horizontally,
vertically or on both axes simultaneously.
This provides flexible installation options for desktop, wall or ceiling applications.
Defines the overall image brightness level by linear adjustment of the tonal values.
Adjusts the difference in brightness levels between light and dark areas.
Influences the perceived sharpness by edge enhancement.
Defines the colourfulness and luminance of colours and, therefore, their perceived inten
Slow Shutter Limit
For a proper exposure, the camera automatically determines the best combination of
shutter speed and signal gain.
The slow shutter limit thereby defines the maximum allowable automatic exposure time
(electronic shutter speed).
As soon as the set shutter limit is reached, the automatic exposure (AE) is exclusively
controlled by the automatic gain control (AGC).