73 of 133
Register Name:
Register Description:
T1 Line Loopback Command Register 1
Register Address:
# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name LB8 LB7 LB6 LB5 LB4 LB3 LB2 LB1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Name LB16 LB15 LB14 LB13 LB12 LB11 LB10 LB9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write.
Bits 0 to 15: T1 Line Loopback Far End Activate Command for Ports 1 to 16 (LB1 to LB16).
These bits cause
the appropriate T2 transmit formatter to generate a Line Loopback command for the far end. When this bit is set
high, the T2 transmit formatter will force the C3 bit to be the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits. The T2 transmit
formatter will continue to force the C3 bit to be the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits as long as this bit is held high.
When this bit is set low, C3 will match the C1 and C2 bits. LB1 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 1, LB2 corresponds to
T1/E1 Port 2, and so on. These bits are meaningless in the E3 and G.747 modes and should be set to 0.
0 = do not generate the line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit
1 = generate the line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit