The Compact is used before and after sowing to break up clods and press down
stones; it also improves germination. The Compact can be equipped
with a hydraulically controlled levelling bar, as an optional extra. It makes the
machine very effective on rough-ploughed land.
It is also used with advantage after stubble cultivation, to expedite the rotting of
straw and stubble remains and also the germination of waste- and weed- seeds. For
rolling very loose soil, it must be fitted with at least 50 cm rings.
The Compact is also used for rolling grasslands in the spring. This should be done as
soon as the land can be driven over. Rolling eliminates stones and lumps of earth
from the surface, so that they do not cause obstruction later when the grass is
mowed. At the same time, the Compact breaks up the surface of the soil, allowing
air to reach the roots.
Dust: V
The Compact must
be used as a transport vehicle, pile driver, hydraulic press or
the like. Ifyou are in any doubt, ask your dealer or DALBO.
The Compact must
be used to roll areas of road or similar hard surfaces.
When using the roller the operator must sit in the driver's seat on the tractor, and
there must be
other people either on or in the immediate vicinity of the roller.
The roller may make some noise when rolling with wom Cambridge rings, but this will
be far below the <langer limit for tractor drivers.
A lot of dust can be raised during rolling under very dry conditions.
It is recommended that either the tractor doors and windows be closed or a dust
mask wom.
For transport purposes, the roller is supplied in the following separate parts:
Middel section, cpl.
1230 kg
1230 kg
Right side section, cpl.
1110 kg
1310 kg
Lefl side section, cpl.
1110 kg
1310 kg
Drawbar incl. rams
550 kg
2 wheels
The parts will be handled with a crane. Hook onto the side sections in the middle of
the square pipe.
It must be fitted so that it tightens around the pipe during lifting.