Manual # 650300:C
You will need some fittings to mount the sensor. Since the mounting locations vary with air ride
systems, it is up to you to find an appropriate spot. You will want to “T” into your air lines running to the
shocks and route a line to the sensor. We have seen sensors mounted in saddle bags, the battery box
area, or tucked under a side cover. You can secure the sensor with zip ties. The threads on the end of
the sensors are 1/8” NPT.
To complete the installation run the sensor cable/wire through the fairing to the sensor, securing it
as needed with the supplied zip ties.
Making the connection at the sensor is done with the included ring terminals and heat shrink as follows:
Once the sensor wires are run, cut them to length at the sensor.
Strip back 2” of the black jacket to reveal the red and black wires.
Cut the supplied heat shrink into two pieces and slide a piece over each wire.
Crimp on the supplied ring terminals and heat shrink over the crimps.
Attach a wire to each terminal. Polarity doesn’t matter.