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4. Insert the CRUISE CABLE through the blank anchor and thread the
other LOCKWASHER NUT in place.
If you do not use the other LOCKWASHER NUT, install a TUBE
CLAMP 152mm-178mm from the anchor point. This will keep the
CRUISE CABLE from backing out of the anchor.
5. The LOCKWASHER NUT can also be used if there is a pre-existing 6.4mm hole in a bracket on the vehicle or if it is
possible to drill a 6.4mm hole in a bracket on the vehicle.
1. Before using the FLAG NUT, it will be necessary to form threads on
the end of the CRUISE CABLE. This is easily
accomplished by placing the LOCKWASHER NUT on the end of the
CRUISE CABLE with your fingers. Then use an 11mm box end wrench
and turn clockwise until the desired amount of threads have been
2. After the threads have been formed, screw the FLAG NUT onto the
3. The FLAG NUT may be used to anchor the CRUISE CABLE to the
existing throttle cable bracket. In some cases there is an existing hole,
in other cases you can drill a 5mm (.20”) hole in the bracket.