Engineered for Flexibility and Performance
It will lead to frequent start/stop of the chiller if the equipment water flow is below minimum
retention flow. In this circumstance, the “Stop Temperature Difference” can be enlarged (by
following “Setting Menu” – “chiller Setting” – “Stop Temperature Difference”)
If the water flow is too smaller, then, enlarging the “Stop Temperature Difference” will be unable
to avoid frequent start/stop of the chiller, and the air-conditioning cooling equipment may also
be affected in negative way.
Additionally, while there is a bypass circuit on the equipment, please ensure that the water flow
in each water circuit is greater than the minimum water flow of the condenser and evaporator.
Please refer to [Chiller Parameters Part].
8.3 Limits of Start/Stop
The mounted compressor motor is cooled by refrigerant gas, but frequent startup/shutdown will
weaken the cooling effect, then the motor temperature inside compressor will increase too much.
Compressor cannot start up within start-stop time limit. If startup command is issued during this
period, countdown time will be displayed on HMI.