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IM 777-8 • Skyline Air Handler
When units are ordered with exhaust hoods and intake hoods
adjacent to each other, install a field-supplied barrier to prevent
recirculation of exhaust air into the intake openings. (
Figure 19: Field-Installed Barrier Between Hoods
Mounting Actuators
The installing contractor is responsible for the mounting of
all field-installed actuators. No provisions are made for the
location of these actuators due to the number of options and
arrangements available and the variety of specific applications.
Typically, actuators are mounted inside the cabinet. Provide
proper support for the actuator to avoid excessive stress in the
cabinet, linkage, or damper shafts.
Damper blades are at full flow when open to 70
degrees. Do not open blades further than 70 degrees.
Fresh air and return air dampers can be linked together and
driven from the same actuator if the dampers are the same
size. If the dampers are different sizes, they must be driven
by separate actuators and controlled appropriately. Exhaust
dampers are always driven by a separate actuator.
A typical rotary electric actuator can handle up to 40 sq. ft. of
damper. For pneumatic actuators, allow 5 in-lb per square foot
of damper area.
Maximum damper rotation is 70°. Maximum shaft torque is
205 inches/pound. Greater rotation or torque can cause
equipment damage.
Face and Bypass Section Mounting
Internal and external face and bypass sections are mounted
together using the instructions for horizontal components
and do not require additional instruction. Skyline air handlers
are provided with a bypass duct that is integral to the unit
construction and requires no field assembly.
Face and bypass dampers may or may not be linked together.
When dampers are placed before a single bank of coils, they
always are linked together and require a single actuator. When
dampers bypass a stacked or staggered coil, the dampers are
not linked and require multiple actuators.
Face and bypass dampers have a torque requirement of 10
in-lbs per square foot of damper face area.
Isolation Dampers for Multiple Fans
Optional isolation dampers can be provided on multiple fans
to prevent backflow through a fan that is turned off for service.
These isolation dampers are not intended to be used to control
flow through the fan. The isolation damper for a fan that is
going to be started must be positioned in the full open position
before the fan is started. Do not start a fan with the damper
located at the inlet with the damper fully or partially closed.
This can cause airflow, vibration, and sound problems that can
lead to failure.
Isolation dampers can be provided with actuators that are
mounted in the airstream. Actuator sizing for the isolation
dampers should be based on 9 in-lb per square foot of damper.