EWWQ090G ÷ EWWQ720L - R410A - Water-cooled scroll chillers
EWLQ090G ÷ EWLQ720L - R410A - Condenser less
EWHQ100G ÷ EWHQ400G - R410A - Heat pump scroll chillers
EWAQ-G 075
- R410A - Air-cooled scroll chillers
- R410A - Air-cooled scroll chillers
- R410A - Air-cooled scroll heat pumps
Air and Water cooled scroll chillers & heat pump
Operation Manual
Air or Water cooled scroll chiller &
heat pump
The Keypad enable signal cannot be modified with the user password level but it requires the
maintenance password.
The last enable signal is coming through the high level interface, that mean from a Building
Management System. From a BMS connected to the UC using a communication protocol the unit
can be disabled. To see if the enable signal is coming from a BMS in the View/Set Unit and then
Status/Settings check the Control Source, if it is set to Network than the Network En SP setpoint in
the same page will reflect the actual signal coming from the BMS. If the value is set to Disable then
the unit cannot start. In this case check with your BAS company how the chiller is operated.
The Unit Status will inform about the current unit status, possible status will be described in the
following table:
Overall Status
Ice Mode Tmr
This status can be shown only if the unit can work in Ice Mode. The unit is off
because the Ice setpoint has been satisfied. Unit will remain off until the Ice
Timer has expired.
All Cir Disabled
No circuit is available to run. All circuits can be disabled by a component safety
condition active or can be disabled by keypad or can be all in alarms. Check the
individual circuit status for further details.
Unit Alarm
A unit alarm is active. Check the alarm list to see what is the active alarm
inhibiting the unit to start and check if the alarm can be cleared. Refer to the
Troubleshooting section before proceeding.
Keypad Disable
The Unit has been disabled by keypad. Check with your local maintenance if it
can be enabled.
Unit Loc/Rem Switch
The Local/Remote enable switch is set to disable. Turn it to Local to enable the
unit to start its starting sequence.
BAS Disable
Unit is disabled by BAS/BMS system. Check with the BAS company how to start
the unit.
Test Mode
Unit mode set to Test. This mode is activated to check operability of onboard
actuators and sensors. Check with the local maintenance if the Mode can be
reverted to the one compatible with unit application (View/Set Unit
– Set-Up –
Available Modes).
Cfg Chg, Rst Ctrlr
The configuration of the unit is changed and the controller requires a reboot
Unit is in Auto control. The pump is running and at least one compressor is
Wait For Load
Unit is in standby because the thermostat control satisfied the active setpoint.
With the Q1 switch in the Stop position the unit is disabled. Pump will not
start in normal operational condition. Compressors are kept disabled
independently from the status of the individual enable switches.
With the Q1 switch in the Start position the unit is enabled. Pump will
start if all other enable signals are set to enable and at least one
compressors is available to run
With the Q1 switch in the Remote position the unit can be enabled using
the additional connections available on the connection terminals. A
closed loop will identify an enable signal, this can come from a remote
switch or a timer by example.