www .DaikinApplied .com
Set Pt Disp
– determines how the user views the temperature
setpoint adjustment. The default setting is NUMERIC,
displayed in degrees . The user selects between a NUMERIC
and a GRAPHIC setpoint display .
Set Pt Min
– determines the minimum temperature setpoint
value . The default setting is 55°F or 12 .5°C . The user selects
the minimum setpoint the room unit should request . The
setpoint limit is ultimately defined in the controller. If the
setpoint is displayed graphically as a sliding bar, this sets the
right end of the slider bar . The limits are 55°F to the Set Pt Max
value . The adjustment step size is 1°F or 0 .5°C .
Set Pt Max
– determines the maximum temperature setpoint
value . The default setting is 95°F or 35°C . The user selects the
maximum setpoint the sensor should request . The setpoint limit
is ultimately defined in the controller. If the setpoint is displayed
graphically as a sliding bar, this sets the right end of the slider
bar . The limits are SET PT Max to 95°F . The adjustment step is
1°F or 0 .5°C .
Disp . Temp?
– determines whether the temperature value
should be displayed . The default value is YES .
Disp . RH?
– determines whether the humidity value should be
displayed. The default value is YES, if the device is a humidity
room unit . (This option is conditional based on the presence
of humidity measurement capability and only offered with
QFA3x80 .F types .)
Disp . Occ?
– determines whether the occupancy status should
be displayed. The default value is YES, if the device offers
occupancy override capability .
This does not enable/disable the Occupancy override
button functionality, just the display of the occupancy
status .
T Cal
– allows the user to field calibrate the temperature
display and output through a bias adjustment . The default
value is +0°F . Adjustments may be made between -5°F and
+5°F, in 0.5°F increments.
RH Cal
– allows the user to field calibrate the humidity display
and output through a bias adjustment . The default value is
+0%. Adjustments may be made between -5% and +5%, in
0 .5% increments
– allows the user to adjust the display brightness .
Allowable values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, with 1
being the dimmest and 10 being the brightest . The default
setting is 5 .
Scr . Saver
– allows the user to activate/deactivate the display
screen saver. Available options are: NONE, OFF and FADING.
The default value is NONE. If set to NONE, the dispaly
operates at the programmed brightness level without any
interruption .
– The display will turn OFF after 30 seconds . Any button
press will wake it up (without doing anything else), and then
the device will operate in Normal Mode for 30 seconds until the
display turns OFF again .
– Within 30 second of no operator interaction, the
entire display will fade to a display brightness of 1 . The display
will operate at this brightness until the user presses a button . At
that time the programmed display brightness will be restored .
Factory Defaults
– allows the user to reset all parameters to
factory defaults . Available options for this parameter are YES
or NO .