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DAIHAN Scientific, Premium Overhead Stirrer
The LCD display will always read the stirring display throughout the stirring process, and the
stirring display will disappear when the stirring process stops.
The display’s power bar represents the stirring power and will always be displayed throughout
the stirring process. The stirring power will be automatically adjusted according to the sample’s
viscosity in order to satisfy the set rpm.
Gear Shift Function
1) The Ovs T16, -G30 model uses 2 different types of gears depending on the rpm.
G1 represents the first gear and is in charge of the low-speed high-torque domain, and G2
represents the second gear and is in charge of the high-speed low-torque domain.
2) In the case where the stirring speed is set while the operation is stopped, automatic changes
will be made between G1 and G2, and such change will appear as an icon in the upper left
section of the LCD. It will not be possible to change gears while this product is in operation.
Make sure to stop this product prior to changing gears.
MODE - Set Timer Mode
In the Set Stirring Mode, press the mode button once to switch to the
Set Timer Mode
Once the Set Timer Mode is activated, the green timer LED located in the top section will flicker.
Rotate the job-dial knob clockwise or counter-clockwise to set the timer.
When the stirring process is activated with the timer set, the timer will be initiated.
The set timer range is 00:00~99:59 and can be adjusted at intervals of 1 minute. Set the timer
to "00:00" for consecutive operations.
The timer LED will always be turned on as long as the timer is in operation, and will be turned
off when the timer is complete. Once the operation is complete, a buzzer sound will be
generated and this product’s impeller rotation will be stopped.
Fig 3.3.2. Set Timer Mode Screen
Set Timer
Remaining Time
: 0
: 0