Parameter Description
Maximize the window.
Restore the window size downwards.
Minimize the window.
Close the application.
It is to display all the combined parameter info.
It is to combine all the displayed parameter info.
Parameter visibility.
Click according to your needs. Select Beginner, Expert or Guru in the drop-down
menu. The corresponding parameter items of each level are slightly different.
The parameter items of different role of the camera, Figure 4-4 shows the parameter items
in the expert role.
Parameter explanation area.
Click some parameter item
No.9 in Figure 4-4
, and it will display the explanation of the
Sheet 4-2
Menu Column
Parameter Explanation
Open file
Implement the order of “File > Open File”, pop out a dialogue box
of “Open” to open it.
It is not convenient to search if there are so many files. You can
button of “File Type” on the right and select a specific
file format in the drop-down menu
such as mvcfg
. The dialogue
box will only display the file of this format, which is to narrow
search range.
It can implement corresponding operations only when the image
is paused or stopped.
Open recent files
“File > Open the Recent Files” submenu includes 10 files which
have been recently used in MV Viewer. Click a file name and you
can open it directly.
It can implement corresponding operations only when the image
is paused or stopped.
Save the modification upon the current file.
It can implement corresponding operations only when the image
is paused or stopped.
Save as
Save the current file into another location with another name, you
can use the order of “File > Save As”.
It can implement corresponding operations only when the image
is paused or stopped.