KOC-970T oven has a DEFROST button especially designed to defrost food. It can be set for time or weight. When you defrost a large
number of small pieces in the same time, it s necessary to turn them and to move them from the centre of the dish to the edge once or
twice, to prevent them from starting to cook.
About 450 gr. fresh vegetables take 8 minutes
to defrost. If there is bigger size vegetables
it s always necessary to pay attention not to
cook the exterior parts before centre has been
completely defrost. To defrost efficiently, it s
advisable to cut vegetables in pieces before
freezing them.
Defrost a big fish setting DEFROST function
on the ground of its weight. If fish is cut in
fillets (together weighting the same than the
entire big one) defrost time is shorter. 400
gr. sole takes about 7 minutes and it must be
turned several times to prevent it from
beginning cooking.
Defrost a big piece of meat setting
DEFROST function on the ground of its
weight. If there are several small pieces of
meat (together weighting the same than the
entire big piece) defrost time is shorter.