4. <+>,<-> and the space bar will scroll the current field’s value.
5. To change a value of configuration, repeat the pro c e d u re 2 through 4.
6. If you press<ESC>, the Exit menu will be displayed.
Save your changes to CMOS and exit system Setup.
Reconfiguring SETUP with Default Va l u e s
1. During boot-up secquence, press<F2> to display the SETUP menu.
2. Press <ESC> to go to the ‘Exit’ menu.
3. On the “Load Setup Defaults” option, press <Enter> and select <Ye s > .
4. Select the “Exit Saving Changes” to save the default values and exit SETUP.
Next sections provide explanation of the SETUP configurations.
1. MAIN Setup Menu
To start Phoenix BIOS Setup utility :
1. Turn on or reboot your system. Phoenix BIOS displays this message :
P ress <F2> to enter SETUP.
2. Pressing <F2> displays the Main Menu, which looks like this :
U s e r ’ s M a n u a l
2 6
C B 6 5 6 M - W H / W L
CB656M-WH/WL(2) 00.5.12 2:13 PM