CB650M-BX Mother Board
2 - 1 5
3. Parallel Port (J13)
The C B 6 5 0 M - B X p rovides one set of high speed parallel port. The parallel p o r t
can support bi-direction / EPP / ECP mode.
4. USB Connector (J10)
Universal Serial Bus(USB) is a new industry standard interface for ease use of
PC peripheral expansion. A single USB port can be connect up to 127 peripheral
devices, such as mice, modems, and keyboards. USB also supports Plug-and-
Play and Hot plugging. The CB650M-BX provides 2 channel USB ports.
Figure 2-7. External connectors
5. Audio Jack
The CB650M-BX Motherboard contains a High performance PCI Audio
C o n t ro l l e r ( Yamaha YMF724F/740C). It supports Line-in, Line-out, MIC-in,
and MIDI/Game port.
L i n e - i n - Connect this port with cassette re c o rd e r, DAT or CD-Player. It can do
playback & re c o rd i n g
Line-out - Connect the external speaker or amplifier.
M I C - Mic input port
MIDI / Game port - Connect MIDI Kit or Joy stick
CB650M-BX(1,2¿Â) 00.5.12 2:8 PM