On the
Holding down the keys [MODE] and [-], supply power
to the e.sybox
Release the keys.
At this point the e.sybox display will show the message
“LV LOADER v y.x” and an empty progress bar; after
a few moments the bar will start to fill, showing that
the updating phase has started which will take about
one minute.
At the end of this phase the e.sybox will reset automa
tically, starting the new program.
Now it is necessary to check that the firmware is
correctly installed.
• Once the pump has been restarted, the display
shows the home page. Press the [MODE] key 6
times until page VE is shown.
• If the expected version is shown on page VE
under the heading “SW V.”, the operation has been
successfully completed.
Repeat this procedure to update other e.sybox units.
If the update has not been successful, the red Fault led will light up on
the e.sylink.
Table 1 describes the number of blinks of the e.sylink FAULT led in the
case of errors and the actions to be taken.
Error code
Action to be taken
6 blinks
Error during updating
Repeat the procedure
5 blinks
The firmware instal
led on the e.sybox is
more recent than that
in the e.sylink.
The system is working correctly.
Check it a more recent Firmware
version is available.
4 blinks
e.sybox firmware not
present or corrupted
Load the correct .bin file
Table 6: Errors indicated by the fault leds