D-Link Systems, Inc.
DWL-8220AP Install Guide
Contacting Technical Support
Technical Support
D-Link’s website contains the latest user documentation and software updates
for D-Link products.
D-Link provides free technical support for customers within the United States
and Canada for the duration of the product’s warranty period.
U.S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link Technical Support through
our website or by phone.
United States
(877) 453-5465
Monday through Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM (Pacific Standard Time)
World Wide Web
(800) 361-5265
Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 12:00am EST.
World Wide Web
Version 1.0
Revised 08/07/2005
©2005 D-Link Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Software
and specifications subject to change without notice. Maximum wireless signal rate based on IEEE Standard
802.11a/11b/11g specifications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors,
including volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, and network overhead lower actual data
throughput rate.