Using the Configuration Menu (continued)
Advanced > Performance
Choose full, half (-3dB), quarter (-6dB), eighth (-9dB), minimum power.
The frequency remains at 2.437GHz.
Select from channels 1-11.
The fragmentation threshold, which is specified in bytes, determines
whether packets will be fragmented. Packets exceeding the 2346
byte setting will be fragmented before transmission. 2346 is the
default setting.
(Delivery Traffic Indication Message)- 3 is the default setting. DTIM
is a countdown informing clients of the next window for listening to
broadcast and multicast messages.
Wireless Band-
Select 802.11g only or 802.11g and
Data Rate*-
The maximum wireless signal rates are
Auto, 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps,
6Mbps, 9Mbps, 11Mbps, 12Mbps,
18Mbps, 24Mbps, 36Mbps, 48Mbps,
Beacon Interval-
Beacons are packets sent by an access point to synchronize a
network. Specify a beacon interval value.
The default (100) is recommended.
RTS Length-
This value should remain at its default setting of 2,346.
If you encounter inconsistent data flow, only minor modifications to
the value range between 256 and 2,346 are recommended.
Super G Mode-
Super G is a group of performance enhancement features that
increase end user application throughput in an 802.11g network.
Super G is backwards compatible to standard 802.11g devices. For
top performance, all wirelss devices on the network should be Super
G capable. Select either Disabled, Super G without Turbo, Super G
with Dynamic Turbo, or Super G with Static Turbo.
Standard 802.11g support, no enhanced capabilities.
Super G
without Turbo-
Capable of Packet Bursting, FastFrames, Compression, and no
Turbo mode.
*Maximum wireless signal rate derived from IEEE Standard 802.11g and IEEE Standard 802.11b
specifications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors lower
actual data throughput rate.