xStack Storage DSN-3200 & DSN-3400
ECN – Drive Activity Light Fix
D-Link Systems, Inc. Page
February 7, 2008
Step 3) Remove the two right-most drives from the enclosure as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Remove the two right-most drive trays
Step 4) Using a flashlight, examine the upper portion of the now visible chassis backplane PCB (Printed
Circuit Board) located at the rear of the space. You should see something similar to that found in figure 2.
Here you will see a revision number. If your backplane has revision 1.4 or later, then your system is up to
date and needs no changes. If your system has Revision 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3, then you will need to continue to
step 5. You may now reinsert the drive trays.
Figure 2: Identifying the backplane revision number