SIP Port Number: The port number of SIP client (UA).
Session Timer: A minimal interval of SIP session. Before the interval passes, UA should send re-INVITE or UPDATE request to other peer to keep the session alive.
Media Port Start: system will select a random port to transmit RTP flow and this item configures the start range
Media Port End: system will select a random port to transmit RTP flow and this item configures the end range
RTCP Port: RTCP port
Transport: using UDP or TCP protocol to transport control protocol data.
SIP Time Interval: Timer T1 value, T1 is an estimate of the round-trip time (RTT), and it defaults to 500 ms.(refer RFC3261
Timeout for invite: Max periods for receiving 180 responses after sending INVITE message.
Timeout for Ring Back: Max periods for receiving 200 responses after sending INVITE msg.
Timeout for Release: Timer for releasing resource when release a call.
Registration Retry Counts: Register retry counts when register failed.
Registration Retry Interval: REGISTER request send interval when register failed.
PING interval: Time interval in secs for getting PING response and request when ping testing.
SIP User Agent Name: User agent name for User-Agent header field