D-Link Co.,_______________________________________________________________________ FAQ
FAQ: 20
(System Management Terminal) has a system timeout of five
minutes. That is, if you do not perform a keyboard operation in
five minutes then the screen will blank out or your telnet
connection will be dropped. You can disable this timeout by
going into CI mode, and typing the command: sys stdio 0
Will my screen blank out if I stay in menu 24.1?
No. If you keep your system on menu 24.1, the system will not
timeout after the five minutes has elapsed.
What can I do if I don’t know the IP address of the device I am
connecting to?
In some cases, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or other
remote node you wish to connect to will not know their IP
You can work around this problem by using the Internet Setup Menu
(menu 4) to configure your remote node. In this screen, you have
the option to leave the ISP’s IP address field blank or simply
enter In these cases, the Router will accept any IP
address sent from that device.
If you want the remote device to dynamically assign an IP to the
Router, then you need to turn on the Single User Account feature,
and leave the IP Addr field blank or filled with
Why do I see garbage characters being printed out on my console?
This condition is due to data overflowing the UART. You may not
have a 16650 UART chip on your serial port, or you might not have
flow control working correctly on that port. There is no harm
caused by this data overflow. You can repaint the screen by
escaping back one menu and then re-entering the screen.
My Router inexplicably reboots itself. Why?
The could be a problem with the power supply connection on the
rear panel of the Router. The connection may be loose and
causing the Router to reboot itself. When you plug in the power
cable, make sure that you apply the force behind the sliding
collar and not holding it. This will ensure a good connection.
To test if the connection is firm, hold the back of the power
cable plug, just behind the sliding collar, and try pulling the
cable out. If the connection is firm, you should not be able to
pull the cable out without pulling the sliding collar back.
Why can’t I get the callback feature to work when I dial from a
workstation to the Router?
Router only supports Microsoft's proprietary CallBack Control
Protocol (CBCP). Thus, the Router will only be able to do PPP
callback to other devices that also support CBCP, such as Win95
or NT. If you are using Trumpet or other application that
doesn’t support CBCP, Router will not callback.