Ubiquiti airCube Router Config & Install Instructions
(for Experienced Installers) v3.2
Before Pugging in the Router:
Make sure you have the current airCube firmware on your laptop. (www.ui.com/
You’ll want these instructions open on your computer so you can copy UNMS key.
Power Up Router:
Plug POE into airCube’s gray “24V POE In” port (NOT the blue port).
Alternately use a 5V micro USB.
Plug/Connect Laptop to Router:
Connect laptop via Ethernet to port 2 or 3 on the airCube.
Alternatively, you can connect via Wi-Fi to the airCube -XXX Wi-Fi using the WPA2
password printed on the bottom of the router–
but be sure your computer is not seeing
other Wi-Fi sources, they may hijack your config session
Open airCube Dashboard in Browser and Log In:
Open a browser and go to
Advance through “connection is not private” warnings
Login with username “ubnt” and the “PSWD” printed on bottom of airCube (next to QR
Update Firmware:
Click “System” (gears icon) from black menu bar at left.
Under “Device Maintenance” select “Upgrade Firmware.” (Alternatively, you can select
this from the top right of the main dashboard).
Select the firmware file from your computer, then proceed through the steps to Verify
and Upgrade it.
You will need to log back into the airCube after the upgrade completes—again using the
username “ubnt” and the “PSWD” on the bottom of the router.
(continued on next page)