DES-3526 Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch
config stp ports
ports, P2P ports transition to a forwarding state rapidly thus
benefiting from RSTP. A p2p value of false indicates that the port
cannot have p2p status.
allows the port to have p2p status
whenever possible and operate as if the p2p status were
. If
the port cannot maintain this status (for example if the port is
forced to half-duplex operation) the p2p status changes to operate
as if the p2p value were
. The default setting for this
parameter is
state [enable | disable]
Allows STP to be enabled or disabled for
the ports specified in the port list. The default is
Restrictions Only
administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure STP with path cost 19, hellotime set to 5 seconds, migration enable, and state enable for ports 1-5 of
module 1.
DES-3526:4#config stp ports 1-5 externalCost 19 hellotime 5 migrate yes
state enable
Command: config stp ports 1-5 externalCost 19 hellotime 5 migrate yes
state enable
create stp instance_id
Used to create a STP instance ID for MSTP.
create stp instance_id <value 1-4>
This command allows the user to create a STP instance ID for the
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. There are 5 STP instances on
the Switch (one internal CIST, unchangeable) and the user may
create up to 4 instance IDs for the Switch.
<value 1-4>
Enter a value between 1 and 4 to identify the
Spanning Tree instance on the Switch.
Restrictions Only
administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To create a spanning tree instance 2:
DES-3526:4#create stp instance_id 2
Command: create stp instance_id 2