Party mode is the autoclose override mode. This means that the gate will remain open and ignore the
autoclose time.
To set party mode
Press and hold the remote button down. The gate will open immediately. Continue holding down for 15
seconds until the LCD displays PARTY MODE.
To reset the gate to normal operation
Press the remote button twice within two seconds.
The gate will start to close. The gate is now in normal mode again and will use the Autoclose function.
Auto-close is an option that allows the gate to close automatically after a chosen time delay, this delay
can be from 10 to 70 seconds. Auto-close is selected by using the dipswitches on the main PC Board.
Dipswitch numbers 6,7 and 8 are the auto-close time select switches. The times are as follows.
6 off ; 7 off; 8 off = no auto-close
6 on; 7 off; 8 off = 10 seconds
6 off; 7 on; 8 off = 20 seconds
6 off; 7 off; 8 on = 40 seconds
6 on; 7 on; 8 on = 70 seconds
Any combination can be used to select the desired auto-close time.
It is strongly recommended that BMG safety beams are used when Auto-Close is
selected as this reduces the chance of the gate closing on an object and causing
injury or damage.
No’s 6; 7 & 8: