In the Play Store homepage, click the menu key to bring up the following
Select „My Appli-
cation“, you can
view your „Installed
application“ and
„All Applications“,
you can also reset
accounts, notifica-
tions, auto-updating
applications, pass-
word, etc.
Other Google services, such as: Gmail, Google set, Google Talk, will need
to apply for Google account, after landing Google services in order to
properly use Google related services.
On the main screen, tap into the application, and then click to en-
ter the settings, you can according to your need to personalize your pho-
ne settings.
Set the SIM card for voice calls, video calls, messages, data connections
and other settings.
4.2 WIFI
Click WIFI, enter WIFI inter-
face, click „Open“ icon on
the top right of the screen,
your phone will automati-
cally search for wireless
networks within range.
Click to refresh the net-
work list, if you get a licen-
se, you can click on your wireless network license has been made, enter
the password in the input area, and then click „Connect“, the connection
is completed show „Connected“, then your phone it can be connected.
You can also click on the screen in the lower right corner, add a network.
Activate Bluetooth, the pho-
ne automatically searches
for Bluetooth devices seen
around, you can click on any
device with which to pair the
device to pair, with the search
after connection for file trans-
fer and other operations.