On the main screen, tap into the application, and then click on to
enter the fl ashlight. Click the „off“ to open fl ashlight, click „on“ to close
fl ashlight.see the next chapter „menu function“.
3.16 E-MAIL
On the main screen, tap into the applica-
tion, and then click to enter the e-mail. You
can send email messages to anyone with an
email address. Enter the program and set up
my account, then you can click on your email
account has been built into the account, to
start, edit, create account, delete operations,
can be sent or received email like computers.
The program requires network support.
On the main screen, tap into the application, and then click to enter
the browser. The support of the network (WI-FI or GPRS) into Web brow-
ser lets you surf the Web on your phone, and view Web pages, like in a
computer. You can create a bookmark on your phone and sync bookmarks
with your computer.
Directly from the
main screen to quick-
ly access your favorite
In the search box,
enter the content you
want to fi nd, click the
Search icon, enter the
relevant pages:
Touch the screen, the screen display URL above, display the menu below:
Click to go to the previous page; Click to
enter next page; Click to view the pages you
have open, you can slide up and down, and
select a page to enter; clicking , you can
view your bookmarks, history, and saved
web page.