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Cypress SIO-7300 - Reader Data Formats
The SIO-7300 uses several di
erent Wiegand data formats when sending or receiving reader data to
host device.
These Wiegand data formats are 26 Bit, 40 Bit, and 248 Bit. These data formats are detailed below.
26 Bit Reader Data
This format is only used when sending reader data to the SIO-7300 configured for Wiegand Output using the Simulate
26 bit Wiegand Status 0x16 (Poll).
It consists of a 3 byte Data Field where the first byte is the facility code, and the second and third bytes are the badge
number of the credential to output. Parity is calculated and shifted into place by the SIO-7300 before the credential
data is transmitted.
40 Bit Reader Data
This format is used when receiving reader data from the SIO-7300 with the Reader Data Status 0x16 (Response), after
polling the device with Idle Status 0x15 (Poll). It is also used when sending reader data to the SIO-7300 with the
Simulate 24-40 Bit Wiegand Status 0x18.
It consists of of a 6 byte Data Field where the first byte is the length of the reader data and the next 5 bytes are a right
justified bu
er containing the reader data. Exception: when receiving exactly 26 bits of reader data the SIO-7300 shifts
the reader data right by one bit to remove the odd parity bit and clears the even parity bit, leaving the facility code and
badge number fields right-justified in the bu
248 Bit Reader Data
This format is used when receiving reader data from the SIO-7300 in the Reader Data Status 0x16 (Response) after
being polled with the Expanded Idle Status 0x12. It is also used when sending reader data to the SIO-7300 with the
Simulate 24-248 Bit Wiegand Status 0x19.
It consists of a 32 byte Data Field where the first byte is the length of the reader data in bits, and the next 31 bytes are
a right-justified bu
er containing the reader data.
Despite references to “24-40 Bit” or “24-248”, the Data Formats can contain as little as 1 bit when sending Reader
Data to the SIO-7300 in Data Output Mode. The SIO-7300 can receive as few as 4 bits when in Data Input Mode, this
data will be in the 40 Bit Reader Data format.
The SIO-7300 originally only supported the Wiegand Interface, the other interfaces were added later. This is why the
Statuses and the Reader Data Formats only reference Wiegand. When the SIO-7300 is in Output Mode the Network
Controller creates the messages sent to the SIO-7300; part of these messages is the data. The data needs to be in the
encoding scheme/format for the interface to which the SIO-7300 is set. Generally, this is a binary encoded data for
Wiegand and Unsupervised F/2F interfaces and ABA encoded data Strobed interfaces. The data also needs to be
formatted correctly; the SIO-7300 does not format the data.