Page 26
Note: An empty Data field means the Data field is 0 bytes in length.
Status Name
Data Field Length
Data Field Contents
Simulate 26 Bit
3 bytes
This command is only valid when the SIO-7300 is configured for
Wiegand Output. The first byte controls the 8 bit facility code,
and the next two bytes control the 15 bit badge number (big
The SIO-7300 will respond with the Idle status 0x15.
Reader Data
6 or 32 bytes
This response will only occur when the SIO-7300 is configured
for Wiegand Input. The length of the Data Field depends on
which Idle Status was sent. If the regular Idle Status 0x15 (Poll)
was sent, the SIO-7300 will respond using the 24-40 bit format.
If the Expanded Idle Status 0x12 was sent, the SIO-7300 will
respond using the 24-248 bit format. See SIO Reader Data.
Simulate 24-40
Bit Wiegand
6 bytes
This command is only valid when the SIO-7300 is configured for
Wiegand Output. The first byte controls the length of the output
data, in bits, and must be between 24 and 40 bits (inclusive).
The next 5 bytes are a right justified bu
er containing the data
to output.
The reader will respond with the Idle Status 0x15 (Response).
Simulate 24-248
Bit Wiegand
32 bytes
This command is only valid when the SIO-7300 is configured for
Wiegand Output. The first byte controls the length of the output
data, in bits, and must be between 24 and 248 bits (inclusive).
The next 31 bytes are a right justified bu
er containing the data
to output.
The reader will respond with the Idle Status 0x15 (Response).
Reset System
0 bytes
When the SIO-7300 receives this status, the device will reboot.
Cypress SIO-7300 - Status Values