MB96670 Evaluation Board Operation Manual, Doc. No. 002-04759 Rev. *A
This document indicates directions for use about the "MB96670 evaluation board" which is the evaluation environment of
MB96670 series of a F
MC-16FX-16bit microcontroller
*1: Referred to MCU below.
Using the product safely
This manual contains important information for using this product safely.
Be sure to read this manual before using the product, and to follow the directions given in this manual in order to use the
product correctly.
In particular, thoroughly read "Caution of the product described in this manual" at the start of this document, and perform a
thorough safety check before using the product.
Store this manual in a safe location where it can easily be accessed at any time while you are using the product.
Related Manual
You should refer for following Manual as well:
MCU Evaluation Board MB2198-760-E OPERATION MANUAL
Contents - MB96670 Evaluation Board
Part No.
MB96670 Evaluation Board with socket
MB96670 Evaluation Board without socket (direct mounted)
European RoHS compliance
Products with an -E suffix on the part number are European RoHS compliant products.
Notice on this document
All information included in this document is current as of the date it is issued. Such information is subject to change
without any prior notice.
Please confirm the latest relevant information with the sales representatives.
Target products
The available products with this evaluation board are shown below.
Product Number (not included Package suffix)
MB96F673R, MB96F673A
MB96F675R, MB96F675A