© 2021 Cypress Solutions
Complete Manual: CTM-200 R2 (Revision 1.3)
All CCM traffic is fully SSL encrypted
By default, CCM functionality is turned on. The CTM 200 will attempt to contact Cypress Solution’s CCM server.
This allows Cypress support staff to access the unit remotely for troubleshooting and support purposes. If you do
not wish to permit access, please disable CCM.
Reports are generated by the CTM-200 and are linked to events or triggers. The CTM-200 uses an event-report-
message based system to send data to AVL or fleet management servers. Reports consist of messages that
provide information about the event or trigger. The most common and widely used report is a GPS report. A
GPS report can be triggered by a number of conditions, for example, time, speed, distance, and heading.
Reports are typically delivered via the wireless link (UDP or TCP), but they can also be delivered via Serial,
Ethernet, and email, SMS or stored in files for file based reporting.
The type and a and nature of reports from the CTM-200 can be broken down into 3 main categories
Regular Interval AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location)
Irregular or event trigger based (Rapid deceleration or acceleration, tire blowout (, Man Down Alert
Infrequent Interval (data that is not required in real time, fuel values, odometer values, engine hours,
idle time)
Regular Interval Reports (AVL)
A regular interval report is normally an AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) type report containing location
(lat/long), heading, and speed.
AVL reports are triggered on a frequent basis to match the needs of the business unit. More frequent reports
provides a more detailed path of the vehicle but consumes more data. Less frequent reports have less detail but
consume less data.
The best compromise is a event trigger mechanism that utilizes, time, speed, distance and heading as logic to
determine the best interval to send a report. For example, if a vehicle is stationary there is no need to send AVL
reports every few seconds as the report is not changing
The CTM-200 Web GUI provides a quick mechanism for configuring a regular AVL Interval report.
Time Based Reports