This section provides controls to set each individual audio output type’s
volume levels, and delay settings. Each output type may also be muted
independently. When the Audio Source is set to “Follow Video” the
analogue audio inputs are mapped as follows: Audio 1 > Digital video
(DisplayPort, HDMI 1 and HDMI 2), Audio 2 > VGA 1, Audio 3 > VGA 2.
Note: All audio output types share the same unified delay value when audio
delay is enabled.
This section lets the user change the H/V positioning of the OSD, the
display timeout timer, and OSD window transparency. The information
OSD’s behaviour is also controlled here with a choice between ON, OFF, 5
seconds and 10 seconds.
This section allows for resetting only the output picture settings, or
returning the entire unit to its factory defaults.
This section allows for the unit to be powered ON or placed into stand-by
mode (OFF).
This section allows for setting the unit to either Static or DHCP mode for
obtaining its IP information. When DHCP mode is selected, the unit will
attempt to obtain an automatically assigned IP address from the local
DHCP server. When in Static mode, the IP, Netmask and Gateway must be
set manually. After making any changes to this section, please click the