Note: Before creating new Events, please be sure that all required macros,
commands and devices have already been defined.
Displays the active state of each Event. Events that have
Active set to “OFF” cannot be triggered.
Event Name:
Displays each Event’s name.
Event Type:
Displays the type of trigger/interface that is being
watched to activate an Event. Event types include: Input, Output,
System Command, Serial Port, TCP/IP, IR Receiver, External Trigger,
and Schedule.
Event Condition:
Displays the condition, if applicable for the selected
Event Type, required to trigger the Event. Examples of conditions are:
Low, High, Falling, Raising, Both Edge, or a Command.
Event Mode:
Displays the currently selected behavior for the Event.
Events can have one of the following mode types.
The Event’s macro is run one time when triggered and
then will not be activated again. If the unit is rebooted, all “Once”
Events will become active again.
The Event’s macro is run a single time each time the
Event is triggered.
The Event’s macro is repeatedly run a pre-determined
number of times (up to 255) each time the Event is triggered. A
delay time between each repeat can be set.