In the CC4000 system, the electromagnetic strike is managed by the PC-4000 panel. This subprogram is used to
configure the main electric strike
Available operation modes:
strike released from the first button of the uniphone, proximity key, tenant code
strike inactive
strike released from the first button of the uniphone, tenant code
strike released from
the first button of the uniphone, proximity key.
ends the subprogram operation. Selecting a different option transfers the deceleration time of
the electric strike within l-15 seconds
Then, select the deceleration time using the button for leaving
the property in the range 1-15
. The next field is the operation mode. Electromagnetic
jumper/reversing strike or traditional electric strike.
Selecting the jumper ends the subprogram operation. Selection of the strike
leads to the volume option of the electric strike. The range to choose 1-100
The PC-4000 panel has an additional current output that controls an additional output, eg a gate. There are several
triggering options available.
output activated from the second uniphone button, proximity key, tenant code?
output inactive
output activated from the second uniphone button and tenant code
output activated
from the second uniphone button and proximity key. Disabling the function ends the subprogram operation,
otherwise we move on to setting the pulse duration in the range from 0.5s to 10s with a step of 0.5s
The function of a built-in combination panel. It is an autonomous four-digit code stored in the panel's memory,
independent of the control electronics. It can be used as a shared code for tenants, or as a code for the installer.
Options available:
inactive code
the code activates the main electro-strike
the code activates the additional electro-strike. The next step is to give a four-digit number
. Accept and
enter the same number the second number. The combination lock is activated in the panel in idle mode by entering
from the keypad.
It is displayed:
please enter the code given earlier and then the input assigned to it will be opened.