Sequence of Events Recorder
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EPSS Data Log Overview
The CyTime SER-32e has 16 data log files each containing a variable number of event
records. Each record consists of at least 5 registers describing the event, depending
on the number of inputs in the data log group:
date and time of the event (adjusted for local time, 4 registers)
input status at time of event (one register per group member)
Unlike the SER event log, the EPSS data logs record the details of an input whose
status changes and
the status of all group members at the time of the event.
This can be used by EPSS software to report the status change of one group member
to trigger an event, such as an ATS switching to emergency power, while simultane-
ously reporting the condition of associated equipment in the emergency power
supply system.
The data log structure for EPSS report data consists of up to 16 data log groups, each
of which can be allocated a variable number of registers, up to a total of 56,000 for
all log files. Data log file table of contents (TOC) are stored in fixed locations begin-
ning with register number 402020. Each log file’s TOC contains information describ-
ing the file’s contents, including pointers to a header record at the beginning of each
file which, in turn, contains the registers pointing to the status of group members.
Refer to the diagram below for an explanation of this file structure.
EPSS reporting
Log File TOC
EPSS data logs:
group 01 to 16
409501 – 465500
Sample Table of Contents
(data log group 01)
402020 – location
402021 – file type
402022 – file size
402027 – location
EPSS data logs:
group 01 to 16
409501 – 465500
Sample file data:
TOC and event records
File header
(Start of logged data)
register reference
Fig 4–1. EPSS data file structure: overview