Page B-3
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to Notices, Cautions, Warnings and Dangers.
Overfilling batteries may result in electrolyte being
expelled from the battery during the charge cycle.
Expelled electrolyte may cause damage to the vehicle
and storage facility.
Tool List
Insulated wrench, 1/2" ................................................. 1
Socket, 1/2" ................................................................. 1
Ratchet ........................................................................ 1
Battery carrier.............................................................. 1
Torque wrench (in. lbs.) ............................................... 1
In the following text, there are references to removing/installing
bolts etc. Additional hardware (nuts, washers etc.) that are
removed must always be installed in its original position unless
otherwise specified. Nonspecified torques are as shown in
table contained in Section “A”
Before any electrical service is performed on PDS model
vehicles, the Run-Tow/Maintenance switch must be
placed in the ‘Tow/Maintenance’ position.
If a power wire (battery, motor or controller) is discon-
nected for any reason on the PDS model vehicle, the
Run-Tow/Maintenance switch must be left in the ‘Tow/
Maintenance’ position for at least 30 seconds after the
circuit is restored.
Turn vehicle key to ‘OFF’ and remove. Insure all optional
electrical accessories are turned OFF.
Using an insulated wrench, remove the negative (-)
cable first, the positive (+) cable and then all other
cables from the vehicle batteries. Remove the battery
hold down by removing the hardware and lifting the
retainer from the batteries.
Remove the batteries using a commercial battery
If the batteries have been cleaned and any acid in the
battery rack area neutralized on a regular basis, no
corrosion to the battery racks or surrounding area
should be present. If any corrosion is found, it should be
immediately removed with a putty knife and wire brush.
The area should be washed with a solution of sodium
bicarbonate (baking soda) and water and thoroughly
dried before priming and painting with a corrosion
resistant paint.
Place batteries into the battery rack. Install the battery
hold downs and tighten to 45 - 55 in. lbs. (5 - 6 Nm)
torque, to prevent movement but not tight enough to
cause distortion of the battery cases.
Inspect all wires and terminals and clean any corrosion
from the battery terminals or the wire terminals with a
solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and wire
brush if required.
Aerosol containers of battery terminal
protectant must be used with extreme care.
Insulate metal container to prevent can from
contacting battery terminals which could result
in an explosion.
Use care to connect battery cables as shown in the
following illustration (Ref. Fig. 1).
Connect the positive
(+) battery cable first
, other battery connecting cables,
and then
connect the negative (-) cable last
. Ensure
that all battery terminals are installed with crimp up.
Tighten the battery post hardware to 90 - 100 in. lbs.
(10 - 11 Nm).
Protect the battery terminals and battery
cable terminals with a commercially available
protective coating.
Fig. 1 Battery Connections (Hauler 800)
Front of Vehicle
BL +
BL -