Put one hose clamp over each end of each tube. Insert the loop ends into the 7/16 tubes.
Don’t force them. Keep them straight as they go in. Leave them loose for tunning the
SWR later. The tubes will have enough friction to stay without the hose clamps being
Here is how the elements line up. Notice element R3 is
shorter. This is by design. Each element is marked with
a color band. These color bands follow resistor color
code numbers. A chart is provided and the element bands
are shown for each element. Install them on the boom in
the proper location using the half washer, saddle and
8-32 x 2 inch bolts nuts and lock washers. Because of
different size boom sections, some bolts need to be longer
to mount the element. These bolt lengths are listed on the
next page.
8-32 x 2
8-32 x 2-1/4
8-32 x 2-1/2
half washer
element saddle
R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8
R9 R10 R11