2.【Power adapter or cable is loosened or bad contact】- Please make the
connection tight
3.【The device is too far away from the router】- Please move it nearer to
4.【Device fault】- Please reset the device and then connect it to Wi-Fi again
Why my cellphone doesn’t receive the push notifications? How to fix it?
1.【App log out】- Please log in again
2.【Device is offline】- Please see the previous Q&A to solve it
3.【“Allow Notifications” of App(iOS) is disabled】- Please enable it by open
iPhone Settings-Notifications-Wi-Fi Doorbell-Allow Notifications
4.【“Message Escalation” is disabled in Android App】- Please enable it
5.【“Message Ignore” is enabled in Android App】- Please disable it
6.【App server failure/being maintained】- After maintaining is over, App will
be back to normal. Please report the issue to us if it’s unsolved in 24 hours
What’s the maximum distance that the doorbell can be away from the
The distance is based on the coverage, strength and quality of your Wi-Fi
signal. There is an easy way to find out: Put your cellphone at the installation
position, if your cellphone Wi-Fi signal is full or almost full, and plays online HD
video fluently, then this position is a suitable position; otherwise, please move