Setting up the SAM/DEC/008
Input type:
Differential ended (RS-422) or single ended (TTL)
BIØ-L or NRZ-L, RNRZ-L-15 and DCLK and polarity (true/false)
BIØ-L (1,000bps to 8Mbps) and NRZ-L, RNRZ-L-15 and DCLK (350bps to 10Mbps).
Word definition:
Data bits per word (4 to 16), Orientation (MSB first/last), Parity (Odd/even/none)
32 bits, plus mask, plus lock on true and inverse
Getting the most from the SAM/DEC/008
The SAM/DEC/008 is designed as an Ethernet-based device and is connected to a PC through a USB-to-Ethernet controller. It
can be connected to a USB 2.0 port on any PC or laptop.
In the event your USB port does not supply enough power, you may need to use an externally powered USB hub to con-
nect the SAM/DEC/008.
Software such as DAS Studio 3 or KSM-500 configures an extra network connection during programming of an Acra KAM-500
You must ground any RS-422 signals that are the source of the PCM stream or you must ground the Acra KAM-500 that is being
programmed. This ensures the RS-422 signals do not float with respect to the SAM/DEC/008. For details on grounding, see
TEC/NOT/063 - Grounding and shielding of the Acra KAM-500
Even though the SAM/DEC/008 supports 10 Mbps in NRL-L (RNZL-15), the decommutation software and/or the PC
specifications may degrade this performance.
Drivers installation
The SAM/DEC/008 is detected by the operating system as a LAN9500 USB-to-Ethernet controller, and by default, drivers are
automatically installed. However, depending on the operating system or security settings, drivers may need to be manually
installed. In this case the drivers can be downloaded from the following website:
IP address considerations
Once installed, the hardware is displayed in Network Connections as a new network connection: LAN9500A USB2.0 to Ethernet
10/100 adapter (LAN9500A adapter).
The IP address of the LAN9500A adapter incremented by 1, is automatically assigned to the SAM/DEC/008. To prevent these IP
addresses from changing, ensure the LAN9500A adapter uses a static IP address. If it uses a dynamic (DHCP) IP address, its IP
address may change when the PC is restarted. This in turn would change the IP address of the SAM/DEC/008, and could cause
a network conflict.