pg. 33
1212 & 1212P Manual - Sep 2019
Fine tuning the acceleration and deceleration rates
i. Drive around in both Mode 1 and Mode 2, while varying the position of the throttle and the
speed limit pot. In most cases, setting the acceleration and deceleration rates as described in
Steps 6-a through 6-h will provide good performance throughout. However, you may want to
make further adjustments to them.
j. For additional softening of the deceleration response, you could adjust the Soft Stop Speed
parameter to a larger value (
k. In rare cases, it may be desirable to adjust the Throttle Map parameter. This parameter can
be used, for example, to extend the throttle’s gentle acceleration range to further enhance
maneuverability in confined areas.
for a description of Throttle Map.
Key Off deceleration rate
The Key Off Decel parameter sets the decel rate that will be used to slow the vehicle at key-off or in
the event of a major fault.
l. Drive fast and turn the key off. The deceleration you experience is determined by Key Off Decel.
m. Adjust the Key Off Decel value to produce the desirable “feel” for emergency stops: typically as
fast as possible without making the vehicle unstable.
n. Note that Key Off Decel should always be set faster than (or equal to) the fastest forward
deceleration rate, Decel High Speed.
E Stop deceleration rate
The E Stop Decel parameter sets the decel rate that will be used when the vehicle is moving forward
and the throttle makes a fast transition through neutral to a >80% reverse throttle request. This
provides a way to stop more quickly when unexpected conditions arise.
o. Drive fast and throw the throttle into >80% reverse. The deceleration you experience is
determined by E Stop Decel.
p. Adjust the E Stop Decel value to produce the desirable “feel” for emergency reverse stops:
typically as fast as possible without making the vehicle unstable.
q. Note that the E Stop Decel rate should always be set faster than (or equal to) the fastest forward
deceleration rate, Decel High Speed.
r. The E Stop Pause parameter can be used to create a pause after the vehicle has come to an
emergency stop, thus giving the operator a chance to return the throttle to neutral before the
vehicle starts to travel backwards. Adjust the E Stop Pause value to provide the appropriate pause.
A longer pause might be preferred for a vehicle that will be mainly used indoors, whereas for a
vehicle that will be used outdoors a faster initiation of reverse travel might be desirable.