1212 & 1212P Manual - Sep 2019
pg. 30
Step 4: Setting system resistance
It is very important that the System Resistance parameter be set accurately. This procedure must be
conducted quickly and with the motor cold. If the procedure needs to be repeated, ample time must
be allowed for the motor to cool completely. Conducting the procedure with a warm motor will lead
to erroneous settings.
The correct System Resistance value is determined as follows.
a. Position the vehicle up against a wall, high curb, or some other immovable object.
b. Plug in the programmer and turn the keyswitch on.
c. Set the Main Current Limit parameter (Program » Current » Main Current Limit) to 25 amps
(1212-22xx models) or to 35 amps (1212-24xx and 1212P models).
d. Set the Boost Current Limit parameter (Program » Current » Boost Current Limit) to the same
value as the Main Current Limit: 25 amps for 1212-22xx models, and 35 amps for 1212-24xx
and 1212P models.
e. In the Monitor menu, scroll down to the Resistance field.
f. With the speed limit pot set at maximum, apply the throttle full forward, driving the vehicle
against the immovable object.
g. Observe the Resistance value displayed in the Monitor menu.
h. Repeat steps 4-f and 4-g three more times. Do these measurements quickly, to minimize motor
heating, and note all four Resistance values.
i. Program the System Resistance parameter (Program » Motor » System Resistance) to the average
of the four Resistance values that were displayed in the Monitor menu.
j. Before moving on to Section 6, Vehicle Performance Adjustment, be sure to set the Main Current
Limit and Boost Current Limit back to their default settings.