range with cold water .
The range is a
guide, and water levels may need to be adjusted
to achieve desired consistency .
3 . Pour cold water into heating plate .
4 . Lightly butter or spray vegetable oil on omelet
tray .
5 . Break up to 3 eggs into a separate bowl and mix .
Pour beaten mixture into omelet tray .
6 . Place lower cooking rack over the base of the
unit . The ribs on side handles should be facing
upward .
7 . Place omelet tray on top on lower cooking rack .
8 . Place lid on top of unit and slide power switch to
the « I » position . Indicator light will be lit .
9 .
When liquid is completely evaporated, the
omelet will be ready .
10 . When cooking is complete, a continuous audible
tone will sound and indicator light will turn off .
11 . Slide power switch to the « O » position .
Once the unit cools off, it will automatically turn
on again if the switch is not manually moved to
the « O » position .
12 .
Remove omelet immediately to prevent
overcooking .
13 . Use small spatula to remove omelet from tray .
• Refrigerate eggs until ready to use . Always use cold
eggs – do not bring them to room temperature
before using or the eggs will be slightly overcooked .
• Eggs should be stored in the carton in which they
were purchased to keep them from drying out and
absorbing refrigerator odors .
• The eggs should be in the carton large end up –
this will help them stay fresher longer and will keep
the yolks centered . This is a suggested method for
storing eggs .
• Don’t know if your eggs are fresh? Place them in
a bowl of salted cool water . If they sink, they are
fresh – if they float, they are not .
• Always wash the eggshells prior to soft, medium
or hard cooking .
You should always cool hard cooked eggs
immediately after cooking to prevent them from
cooking further and causing a dark green ring to
form around the yolk . First use tongs to remove
cooked eggs and carefully place in a large colander
or strainer . Allow cold water to pour over the
eggs until the eggs are cool enough to handle .
Alternatively, you can place the eggs in a large
bowl of ice water .
• To peel hard cooked eggs easily, roll gently on
the counter using the palm of your hand to crack .
Begin peeling from the larger end .
• Hard cooked eggs in the shell will keep for up to
one week properly refrigerated . Hard cooked eggs
out of the shell should be used immediately .
• Hard cooked eggs that have been colored and
displayed decoratively should not be consumed –
enjoy their colorful display and discard .
• To serve soft or medium-cooked eggs out of the
shell, break the shell through the center of the egg
with a knife . Use a teaspoon to scoop the egg out
of each half onto a serving dish or piece of toast .
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15/09/16 13:57