Appendix B - Network Terminal RS-232 Interface Protocol Format
P/N 8040375G001
B (contin-
For example, a code of 0 indicates no pumps responding. A
code of 12 indicates pump 2 and pump 3 are responding.
This notation is a compressed form of set notation. The
member positions for the set are the bit positions 0 through
19. If a set has a member, the bit is true (1). If a set does not
have a member, the bit is false (0). In this way, simple bool-
ean bitwise operations (such as those available in the C lan-
guage) can perform the operations of union, intersection, etc.
for set membership. A number representing the set of pumps
which require cooperation is the union of the five groups (A
through E in Display menu) sets. This can be generated by
bitwise oring the individual sets. The NULL set or empty set
is the number 0. All of the other pump groupings or set
membership functions use this notation to describe the con-
tents of a set when read back or set.
[1 - 5]
Returns a numeric code that identifies which pump modules
are in the selected rough valve map. The parameter 1
through 5 selects the maps ’A’ through ’E’ which can be
reviewed and programmed through the keypad terminal
when the 99 select code is entered from the Service menu.
The bit weights for the set notation are the same as for the B
command above.
[1 - 5]
Accepts a numeric code that identifies which pump modules
are mapped in the selected rough valve map. The parameter
1 through 5 selects the groups ’A’ through ’E’ which can be
reviewed and programmed through the keypad of the Net-
work Terminal when the 99 select code is entered from the
Service menu. The bit weights for the set notation are the
same as for the B command above. In this way therough
valve map can be remotely programmed. A logical limita-
tion is imposed such that a cooperation set must have at least
two members, and the members so defined must not be
present in any of the other four (non-selected) set maps. To
move a pump from one grouping to another it must first be
removed from the old map before being set into a new map.
Table B-2: Network Terminal RS-232 Commands (Continued)